Driving MastersDriving_Masters.html
History In Motion

Born in Dusseldorf in July 1861 Benno von Achenbach is the founder of the German driving system.

In His younger years Achenbach traveled to England where he started studying the art of driving by reading the English book “ The Book of The Horse”. This early exposure leads Achenbach to travel to Paris where he studied and became a firm believer in the method of Edwin Howlet. Who is considered the father of modern four-in-hand driving?

In 1906 Achenbach took office at the Royal stable in Berlin and modernized the way horses where driven and hitched in a manner that always treated the horse in a kind manner.

By This Time Achenbach had already formulated his own system of driving the four-in –hand  and produced a multitude of articles on the subject but it wasn’t until his 60’s that he wrote the book Anspannen und fahran.  (Hitching and Driving).

At the heart of his method is his overriding concern for the care, comfort and general well being both mental and physical of the horse.

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